TikTok launches adult-only streams

TikTok is updating and strengthening its protection towards the youngest. Expected features to protect the fragile public.

TikTok is still updating its live streaming features, and this time the biggest improvements will be for those who can’t watch. First, the update now allows TikTok users to create adult- only streams.

TikTok updates and strengthens protection against the smallest

If the broadcast includes strong language or traumatic topics, you can make sure that the audience is old enough to watch it. The option will be available “in the coming weeks”. And no, this is not the intended alternative to OnlyFans, as TikTok’s rules prohibit sexually explicit content.

The social video service is also raising the minimum age for streaming from 16 to 18 starting November 23rd. TikTok justifies the move as a logical extension of its youth content restrictions, but it also came after several incidents. For example, older viewers sexually exploited younger writers, and teenagers threatened schools. In theory, raising the minimum age would reduce the number of children using Live and the dangers associated with it, which would not be possible with pre-recorded videos. In a few weeks, there will also be a feature reminding creators to block keywords they may have already blocked in the past.

Features expected to protect vulnerable public

The newly expanded Multi-Guest feature now allows the Live host to invite up to five other participants. This can be useful for professional creators who want to curate full shows, of course, but can also be useful for any streamer who wants to invite friends to chat.

TikTok is currently facing some pressure from authorities to control its audience. In the United States and the United Kingdom in particular, there are concerns that the social network is harming the smallest, whether it is promoting unhealthy behavior or violating privacy. Age restrictions won’t necessarily prevent all abuse, but it’s a step in the right direction from TikTok.