Twitter is testing retweets of posts with video reactions

Twitter is testing Retweet with Video Reaction, a feature currently available to a few iOS users.

Twitter is constantly evolving its platform. It is very difficult to find the perfect formula for a microblogging service like this one. It goes through many iterations for even the slightest functionality. Additions are made in small touches, always taking into account community feedback. Twitter is currently testing retweeting posts with a video reaction.

Twitter is testing a retweet with a video reaction

Retweet is a very popular action today on the Twitter platform. This is a good way for users to share content with their followers if they haven’t had a chance to view this content before or if they want to add their opinion to this famous content.

For all the crazy retweeters following us, we have good news today. Twitter wants to shake things up a bit when it comes to retweets. The company has just started testing a new feature. This is to allow users to retweet while posting a reaction to a video.

The feature is currently available for some iOS users.

This means that if you want to add your thought to some content that would be easier to talk about on video than in writing, because you have something to say, for example, or because you think it’s easier for you to express yourself on the video, then this feature might be perfect for you.

That being said, you can always create your own reaction video in response to a tweet. It’s just an “official”feature, so to speak, to provide a smoother experience for those who wish to do so. The test in question is currently only available to certain manually selected iOS users. No one knows when this feature will be available to the general public. If you’re interested, just be patient. If the reviews are good, Twitter will offer them to everyone soon.