USTVGO not working? USTVGO and USTV 247 not working?

After visiting the most famous free streaming website USTVGO, users are shown the message “Sorry, we are closed”. This confused and surprised users at the same time. Because USTVGO has been working correctly lately. It was one of the streaming websites that allowed users to stream shows, movies, etc. for free.

But after seeing the message on their website, users search for “USTVGO and USTV247 not working?”. Users think the messages are being displayed due to server outages or other development issues. Now they are searching the internet for the answer.

We are with this guide where we will tell you about both websites, USTVGO and USTV247, and also answer the question if it is not working or there are any other problems. If you are a regular visitor to USTVGO and love to stream from there, stay tuned until the end to find out all the details about USTVGO and USTV247.


What is USTVGO and USTV 247?

USTVGO is a free streaming website that provides users with over 80 live TV channels, kids shows, movies, sports, news and more. With over 16 million visits per month, the website was fast for users. It downloaded live channels much better than most streaming platforms.

However, everything was available to users for free, without charging a penny. Similarly, USTV247 was also part of USTVGO. USTV247 also provides free channels for users to watch TV shows, news, sports, etc. The website has 2.8 million monthly visits, which is a lot. However, it also provided users with free streaming services. But due to some issues, both sites are unavailable. There are various reasons for this. We will explain everything, so stay with us until the end to find out more.

USTVGO and USTV247 not working?

Thousands of users are searching for “USTVGO and USTV247 Down?”. Because they saw the message Sorry, we’re closed. In case you don’t know or are confused, USTVGO and USTV247 are not disabled, but they were disabled for various reasons.

In this blog, we have already reported that USTVGO and USTV247 provided the user with free streaming services without charging a penny, which is against the law. The company received various notices about this and so they closed their services.

Many users tried to double-check the social media accounts of both websites, but it was found that their account was also blocked. If the site was down, then there would be no reason to block social media accounts. Through him, you can expect that everything happened because of some legal problems. However, we know that you may be wondering why this happened. We will explain the possible causes of USTVGO and USTV247 disconnection, so check them properly.

Why did USVGO and USTV247 close?

We know that you are looking for reasons for the shutdown of USTVGO and USTV247. Here we have tried to list the possible reasons why the website was taken down, so check them out below.

Legal issues

The first and main reason why USVGO and USTV247 could be closed is because of legal issues. We are talking about legal problems, including the permission to free broadcast of American TV shows on the sites. There are reports that the website has not taken permission from officials to stream content to audiences free of charge, which could cause them to be asked to shut down all of its operations.

In addition, third-party streamers are not allowed to broadcast content without permission. There are certain rules that they must follow if they are going to provide streaming services to users. However, it was not followed by USTVGO and USTV247, which is why they are no longer available.


The website did not charge a dime, and there is a possibility that the owners of another company may have complained about this to officials, causing operations to be closed. Yes, other streaming platforms charge their users money for streaming popular shows and channels from users.

But at the same time, USTVGO and USTV247 did not charge money, which caused users to stream free shows from there without any payment. Since this will create problems for other streaming platforms, there is a possibility that USTVGO could be closed legally.


The content available on the website was both free and premium. We all know that there will be no problem with free content. But if someone provides users with premium content for free, it will create problems for any company, since it is their copyright and they have invested in its creation. Thus, this may be another reason why the site may have been closed.

Will USTVGO and USTV247 return?

USTVGO and USTV247 provided free streaming services, which was banned. Generally, there are many websites that provide this type of service. However, due to copyright issues, they keep changing their domain names. We can’t say anything for sure, but we expect USVGO and USTV247 to return to their users again with a new domain name.

Some alternatives to USVGO and USTV247

There are many websites that provide users with the same free streaming services. We know it may not be like USTVGO and USTV247, but you can stream content for free. You can easily find these websites on the internet to start streaming again for free.


USTVGO and USTV247 provided free streaming services to users, which was illegal. Due to this issue, the site has been closed. However, we can expect it to come back at any time because they have servers, a back end, a database, etc. The only thing they need is a new name to host the website.

We expect the site to be available to their users again. However, another time it may be banned due to copyright issues. In this post, we have listed all the information through which you can get basic information about USTVGO and USTV247. This is from our side. See you in the next blog.


1. Is the USVGO closed?

USTVGO was shut down for providing affordable content streaming services. Also, there are some other reasons that we have listed in the post, so be sure to check them out.

2. Is there an App for Ustvgo?

No, there is no app for USTVGO. It was only accessible through a website that is no longer operational due to closure.

3. Is USTV247 legal?

No, USTV247 is not a legal streaming platform. It provides premium content to users for free, which is illegal. Due to this issue, the site has been taken down and you can no longer access it.