Learn How to Bypass the Garage Door Sensor

If you are reading this article, then you probably want to know some of the answers related to sensors. Specifically, your garage door bypass sensor is causing problems and you start looking for related hacks online.

Don’t worry. Everyone knows that an unresponsive garage door sensor is inconvenient.

A faulty or malfunctioning sensor will stop automatic doors from working. We all get annoyed when this happens.

This article explains in simple and clear language how to bypass the garage door sensor.

How does a garage door sensor work?

Garage door sensors have been popular since the 1990s. Be sure to install safety devices on automatic garage doors to prevent accidents.

The main function of the sensors is to ensure that the path is clear when the garage door is closed.

This is done in order to clear a path between the two photo eyes so that “they can see each other”. Or, in technical terms, the infrared light between the two photo eyes remains continuous.

So what happens when there is an obstacle between two photo eyes? It’s simple: the process will be reversed, i.e. the garage door will open and not close.

Ways to Bypass the Garage Door Sensor

Garage door button push

You can bypass garage door sensors with a button installed in your home. Just press and hold the wall button.

The garage door will begin to close (lower) and will continue to close as long as you hold the button on the wall.

Now, if you release the button before the door is completely closed, the sensor will go off and the door will start to rise.

Closing the garage door this way is only a temporary fix. It is highly recommended to have your sensors checked by professionals.

You can also check out the simple and effective troubleshooting steps below.

Switch to manual mode

It is possible that the wiring is damaged, and the automatic garage door system will stop working altogether.

In this case, switching to manual control is the most reliable way.

  • First, place strong supports or props (you can also use a high shelf to hold the blinds) to hold the sliding door when the chain is off. This ensures that the door does not free fall.
  • Pull on the manual release cord. The cord is usually bright red and you can find it near the garage door motor. You disconnect the door from the door trolley by pulling on the cord.

Tips & Tricks (Troubleshooting)

Check if the sensor (photo eyes) has any physical obstructions

Photo eyes are the two main sensory components that automate the opening and closing of garage doors.

These two small infrared light sensors are mounted on either side of the garage door at least 6 inches off the ground.

Physical obstructions such as trash cans, buckets, trash cans, gas bottles, etc. can potentially block the infrared beam.

So, the first step is to check and clear all objects blocking the path between the two photo eyes.

Now you can try to close the garage door by pressing the remote or the button in your house.

Clean the sensors with a microfiber cloth

Since the previous troubleshooting method doesn’t work for your garage door, let’s check if the sensors are blocked by dirt and debris.

An obstruction as small as a web can interrupt the infrared beam between the two photo sensors.

Take a clean rag and start cleaning the sensors attached to both sides of the garage door.

Also, the cloth you use to wipe off all those dust and dirt is a microfiber cloth as it won’t scratch the sensor lenses.

Recheck the garage door by pressing the close button on the remote control. You can also do this by pressing a manual button installed in your home.

Continue to the next step if you do not get a positive result at this step.

Check for loose wires

The next step you need to take is to check the condition of the wiring in your garage door system. Unstable power supply can be the main cause of some garage doors not working properly.

Check for damaged or faulty wires, and “damaged”means wires that are frayed, burned, cut, cracked, etc.

A broken wire is dangerous. If you find any, turn off power to your garage door immediately and have the wire replaced by a professional.

Check alignment

For the system to work, the photocells on both sides of the garage door must be properly aligned. The LED indicators on the sensors turn green when the alignment is perfect.

Your garage door may not close if the sensors are misaligned. The sensor is located inside a bracket (frame) attached to the left and right sides of the garage door.

The height of the brackets is 6 inches above the ground. The sensors are attached to the brackets with nuts.

Tighten the wing nuts to the limit. Also check that the brackets on the garage door are firmly fixed.

Tighten the screws with a screwdriver. This ensures that the sensors are now in the ideal position and aligned with each other.

When the sensors are properly aligned, the LED indicator will flash green (no flickering or flashing).

Replace old sensors with new ones

If the above troubleshooting methods don’t work, the problem might be with a faulty sensor.

You can try replacing the sensors with new ones. Make an appointment with your local garage door repair shop and have the sensors replaced.

You can also do this if you are familiar with the basics of repair and maintenance. Just make sure the door is closed before turning off the sensors.


Bypassing the garage door sensor is only a temporary solution until you have the problem fixed by service technicians.

Also, you need to take extra care when working around garage doors, especially if you have children and pets in your home.

Let’s say you’re facing a garage door problem due to a temporary glitch in the sensors.

In this case, we recommend that you use the troubleshooting techniques mentioned in this article. If the tips and tricks don’t work, you can disable the sensors temporarily and repair the door quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is it possible to bypass garage door sensors?

Yes, you can bypass garage door sensors. The garage door closes when the sensor detects a continuous infrared beam. Holding down the wall button installed in your garage/home will bypass the sensors and force close the garage door.

How to beat garage door sensors?

Sensors (photo eyes) are located on both sides of your garage door. Brackets in the garage hold these sensors at least 6 inches above the ground. Thus, the easiest way to defeat the garage door sensors is to step over the infrared beam.

Can electric garage doors be operated without sensors?

Answer: Yes. Without sensors, it is possible to control electric garage doors. But you must also accept the consequences of not installing detectors. Technically, the sensor primarily works as a safety device (critical safety function). It ensures that there is nothing under the door when it closes. Without sensors, this can lead to injury, especially if you have children and pets. And in the worst case, someone or something can be crushed by the door and cause death.

How to permanently disable garage door sensors?

You can bypass the sensors by pressing and holding the button installed in the garage until the gate closes. You can also turn off the sensors, switch to manual control, and manually close and open the blinds.