Video games in France: SELL and SNJV offer to become a leader in Europe

Syndicate of Leisure Software Publishers (SELL) and National Video Game Syndicate (SNJV) are formulating four key proposals that will make France a European leader in video games in five years.

With a turnover of 5.3 billion euros in 2020, video games are the leading creative and cultural industry in France, far ahead of cinema or music. Less than 50 days before the presidential election, two professional organizations representing the video game industry in France are asking public authorities to study the project aiming to make the sector a European leader within five years and make it an “industrial priority”.

The goal is to translate the success of French Tech into the shape of French Gaming, specifically with the “France Métavers”plan to be used to develop the technologies of the future based on a $30 billion investment plan”announced by President Emmanuel Macron last October of the year.

Nicolas Vignoles, General Delegate of SELL, explains: “Video games guarantee growth and employment. And stable employment in a sector with high technological value! Our German neighbors are well aware of this, they have a very ambitious plan in favor of video games. France should become the most favorable and stable environment in Europe in order to attract large companies in the industry, to develop the studios present here. We have everything to become a leader in Europe in 5 years, but we need a clear signal.”

Levan Sarjeveladze, President of SNJV, adds: “The video game industry has grown steadily over the decades and there are world-renowned talents and companies in France. However, without an ambitious plan, we risk being demoted in the face of increased international competition. Our proposals aim to redefine video games as a strategic industry for our country and to make France the most attractive country in the world.”

Four key proposals for France to become the leader in video games in Europe

  • Video games should become France’s industrial priority
  • Make France the most attractive country in the world for making video games
  • Rely on the France 2030 plan to support the sector
  • Create a video game curriculum accessible to everyone