Viz Media offers Sailor Moon, Naruto, Death Note, Inuyasha and Hunter X Hunter for free on YouTube

Vie Media is making Sailor Moon, Naruto, Death Note, Inuyasha and Hunter X Hunter available on their YouTube channel for free.

Whether you prefer movies or series, whether you prefer live action or animation, the internet has it all, in all genres, today. Of course, most content is only available through a paid subscription to any service, but the free offering continues to expand. Japanese animation enthusiasts, for example, are being catered for today by the arrival of several iconic licenses direct to YouTube. Explanation.

Vie Media releases Sailor Moon, Naruto, Death Note, Inuyasha and Hunter X Hunter

If you like anime and want something to do at the end of the holidays, know that Viz Media has put some very famous series on YouTube. Moreover, they are available absolutely free of charge. For example, on the publisher’s account, you can find series such as Sailor Moon – the original from the 1990s, not a remake, Sailor Moon Crystal -, Naruto, Death Note, Inuyasha and Hunter X Hunter. Viz has organized the episodes into playlists, which should make them easier to read, especially if you decide to watch them all.

on your YouTube channel available for free

Important clarification: the episodes in question show ads from time to time, which is obviously to be expected since this is free content. Another clarification, the episodes are not visible in all countries of the globe. For example, where I am from, I can’t see them, I have to use a VPN. Finally, be aware that Viz has uploaded Japanese audio versions of the episodes with English subtitles, and the episodes have not been remastered to fit modern on-screen radios.

Either way, this is a great opportunity to enjoy these old shows that aren’t necessarily available on streaming services. If you’re nostalgic for this beautiful era, or if you were too young to watch them when they came out, here’s your chance.