Apex Legends Mobile Cold Snap Patch Notes Released: New Loba Legend, New LTM & More

A new update is coming to Apex Legends Mobile and the developers have prepared a solid new update – “Cold Snap “. The new update introduces players to one of the most interesting legends in the game – Loba.

The character has a rather interesting kit that allows players to almost instantly teleport to nearby locations, as well as create a black market to collect loot from nearby areas. The Cold Snap update also fixes key areas in the game such as the ranking system, bans in regular matches, matchmaking optimizations, and performance optimizations for devices and servers.

The development team has taken note of several community feedback and assured players that they will continue to improve the gameplay experience across the board. The team notes that the impact of bots on players will decrease over time as the goal has always been to provide a competitive experience.

Apex Legends Mobile Cold Snap Update Notes

New Legend – Loba

Passive: attention to quality

  • Through the walls you can see the nearest epic and legendary loot.

    Tactics: Robber’s best friend.
  • Instantly teleport by throwing the bracelet at the right place. Ultimate Ability: Black Market Boutique
  • Place a portable magazine on the ground that will allow you and your allies to instantly plunder the surroundings.

NEW TIME-limited Armed and Dangerous Mode

Armed and dangerous: only shotguns and snipers. Near or far there is no golden mean.

City Takeover – Air Conditioner

The climateizer will be placed at the end of the world and will cover most of the map in snow. When Climatizer is enabled, diamond loot boxes will be displayed on the minimap. These diamonds can then be used in the seasonal shop to purchase rare items.