Apex Legends Saviors Gameplay Trailer Released: New POIs, Map Expansion & More

We’ve come to the final stages of Season 12: Challenge, which means it’s time for Apex Legends to release the next season, Saviors. The upcoming season is poised to introduce players to Newcastle, the newest Apex legend to join the games.

However, Newcastle is far from being the “biggest”addition to the game, with Season 13: Saviors planning a fairly massive overhaul of Storm Point. The newest gameplay trailer for Saviors showcases several new attractions in Storm Point, as well as a monstrous new addition to confuse everyone.

A prehistoric sea creature rose from the seas and landed on the northwest coastline. The new POI – Downed Beast is a high-level mining zone that combines three turns: the North landing, the Checkpoint and the Mill.

Apex Legends Season 13: Saviors will introduce new POIs

The Fallen Beast is one of the most striking sights of The Saviors, and there seem to be many benefits to exploring an organic location. Inside the beast is a high-level loot area that teams can explore, making it a pretty good proposition to collect good loot at any point in the game.

Apex Legends also adds a new PvE point of interest – IMC Armories. These underground structures can be accessed via a ramp that appears when players approach the POI. Activating the armory will close and block the ramp and start a fight with several waves of Ghosts.

Surviving Spectres will provide players with a ton of loot, which also makes this a great starting point for starting a match in Apex Legends.

The Saviors will also introduce a number of QoL (quality of life) changes to Apex Legends, such as a global tweak to improve overall gameplay by the minute. A new Rogue camp has been added to the cenote, as well as a cave to accommodate the Rogues in the new environment. Hundreds of small QoL updates have been made to smooth out the gameplay on the map.