December 1st PS5 System Update 21.02-04.50 Released

Here is the latest system update for PS5, which includes general fixes to improve system performance. This isn’t the most important of the PS5 system updates as it only includes general stability improvements, but there’s always a chance an update could include hidden changes that will become more apparent in the coming weeks.

PS5 users have generally had a decent experience with the new consoles, but fans have been demanding a few neat improvements that could eventually be accommodated in the new update. PlayStation consoles typically introduce new features, functionality, and quality of life changes during the console cycle, and since we’re still in the early stages of console development, players will have more in a few months.

PS5 System Update 21.02-04.50 Released

On the PS5 support page, this is simply listed as the patch notes for the new update:

“This system software update improves system performance.”

Perhaps the most significant update the PlayStation 5 has received so far is version 21.02-04.00.00, which adds support for M.2 SSDs in the console’s expansion slot, among other significant improvements. Fans have been waiting for support for 1440p TVs and monitors for the console, but it looks like it will be a while before players get such an important update.

Getting the PlayStation 5 in India is still quite a challenge as restocking has been much less frequent lately. Previously, there were rumors that the restocking would be closer to the end of November, but it looks like this could be delayed until December – the exact dates are not yet clear. The next restocking will likely be the last one in 2021, so this may be your last chance to get a Christmas present this year.