What Can Be Done to Fix Terra Nil’s Desolate Island?

Welcome to Terra Nil, a novel reverse city-building game that tests your ability to revive a lifeless planet. This game is for you if you’re passionate about cleaning up contaminated oceans and recovering barren landscapes.

You learn the fundamentals of the game mechanics in the first level, River Valley. After finishing it, you proceed to the difficult task of repairing Desolate Island. If you feel that you need assistance, don’t worry; you can find detailed instructions on how to rebuild Desolate Isle in Terra Nil in this article.

Walkthrough for Terra Nil Desolate Isle

Restoring Land and Ocean

Toxin scrubbers must first be used to clean the polluted rivers and wastelands. Since practically all constructions can only be built on a clean surface, this is a need. They require the construction of turbines on top of stone tiles, followed by the placement of toxic scrubbers to clean soiled land and ocean tiles, in order to be used.

To unlock a sandbank, you should concentrate on collecting ocean tiles after clearing some wastelands. You can construct in the water by using sandbanks. The following process, which is establishing biomes, can be started if you have attempted to recover 70–80% of the map.

Creating Biomes

You have to develop the tropical forest, coral reef, mangrove, and beach biomes in the Desolate Island level. Nevertheless, you must first employ irrigators to cover the plains in vegetation before you can begin developing biomes. The steps below will help you build each biome in Desolate Island if you have some green plots:

1. Mangroves

To generate wetlands, place a Hydroponium on an irrigation system close to water. Building a Hydroponium only requires 25 resources. You raise the Desolate Island’s temperature by establishing Wetlands.

In Terra Nil, you can utilize a Salinator to generate Mangrove biomes after constructing Wetlands. Salinators help mangrove trees flourish by raising the salinity of water.

2. Beach

By constructing a Littarium on top of Toxic Scrubbers, you can produce the Beach biome. All you have to do to obtain Beaches in Terra Nil is that.

3. Tropical Forests

Shadecloth Pillars can be erected close to the cliffside to create tropical forests. Under shadecloth, green spaces transform into tropical forests.

4. Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are unquestionably the most difficult biome to construct of any. You must first establish a Monorail Node network before you can build Coral Reefs. Make sure one node is near an irrigator and another is close to an ocean.

Create a Coral Lab on an irrigation system, then transport it into the water using the Monorail Node. Any Coral Lab that is in a Monorail Node’s field of vision can be moved. Coral Reefs are produced once the Coral Lab is submerged in the ocean.

Before moving on to Desolate Isle in Terra Nil’s next stage, you must complete 100% of all biomes.

How to find all animals in Desolate Island

Wildlife starts to return to the Desolate Isle once all biomes have been restored. You can start looking for creatures after constructing an Animal Observatory. The prerequisites for each one are as follows:

  • Tortoise: near 10 Beach tiles and on an island;
  • Manta Ray: near 8 Ocean tiles, 6 Coral Reef tiles, and 3 River tiles;
  • Parrot: near 20 tiles of Tropical forests with no nearby buildings;
  • Flamingo: near 10 Beach and 10 Wetland tiles;
  • Reef Shark: near 16 Coral Reef tiles, 4 Mangrove tiles, and 20°C temperature;
  • Whale: near 20 Ocean tiles with no nearby land.


You’ve now restored biomes and creatures, so you can depart from this location. To finish restoring the Desolate Island, you proceed to recycling all of the existing structures before departing.

To begin the recycling process, build an Airship and a Recycler Station first. Use Recycling Beacons to remove all your buildings after constructing the station. The cleaning of Desolate Isle in Terra Nil is now complete.