Wi-Fi 7 can reach 40Gbps

Wi-Fi 7 hits at 40 Gbps. Impressive demo from MediaTek.

Did you know that there are several versions of Wi-Fi? For those who don’t know, yes, there are indeed multiple implementations of this wireless protocol. Just because you have a Wi-Fi enabled device doesn’t mean it has the same Wi-Fi as another device. And newer versions like Wi-Fi 6 can reach much higher transfer speeds than previous ones.

Wi-Fi 7 makes you dream with 40 Gbps

At the same time, it would seem that the next generation, which will be very logically called Wi-Fi 7, can be really very interesting. Indeed, the recent experiment by MediaTek to accurately demonstrate the full potential of this new version, which according to the Wi-Fi Alliance can reach 40Gbps, is enough to make you dream.

Impressive demo from MediaTek

In comparison, Wi-Fi 6, the current version, can reach a maximum speed of 9.6 Gbps, which is admittedly very fast already, but if you can really get 40 Gbps with Wi-Fi 7, then it will open even more doors. Indeed, 40Gbps is pretty close to what you can get with a wired connection like Thunderbolt 3. If Wi-Fi 7 can reach those speeds, then we might have more wireless devices that work like if they had a cable to connect, and that without noticing the slightest lag.

According to MediaTek, Wi-Fi 7 is expected to hit the market sometime in 2023. Before imagining that kind of speed in your home, remember that a number of other factors affect speed, the most limiting by far is your internet speed. the connection itself. If your carrier limits your speed to 1 Gbps, you won’t magically get 40 Gbps.