Xbox Game Pass: family offer in preparation

Microsoft is preparing a family offer for its Xbox Game Pass: up to five players per account.

Many subscription services now offer family deals. This is, of course, to attract more customers, but also, and it is quite logical, because it is much more difficult to charge so many individual subscriptions at full price than a cheaper family subscription for several users. A proposal that has already proven itself and could give Microsoft ideas for Xbox Game Pass.

Microsoft will prepare a family offer for its Xbox Game Pass

Indeed, it’s no surprise to learn that the Redmond-based firm is currently considering this option for its Xbox Game Pass. According to a report from Windows Central, the American giant will be preparing a family offer for Xbox Game Pass that will allow a master account to add multiple family members to their subscription at a more affordable price than if it were necessary. pay so many separate bills.

Up to five players on one account

Our understanding is that, according to multiple statements from sources familiar with the matter, the Xbox Game Pass family offering will allow you to add up to five players at a lower price than five separate subscriptions, of course. And everyone will have access to the full catalog of the service. The system should also use the Microsoft Family Group, which is already used by the giant for other subscription services such as Office 365.

At this time, no one knows how much this new family offering might cost or when it will be announced and available, but for those with a family of players, it could be a lot of fun. A little more patience, there is no doubt that we will soon find out all the details of this proposal, if the rumors are, of course, true.