YouTube Shorts still copying TikTok with voice acting

YouTube Shorts is still copying TikTok and adding a voice-over tool to iOS.

Staying competitive when you’re on a social platform is no small feat. The competition is tough. To keep users interested, you need to offer the most useful features in the simplest and most convenient way. This imposes the need to constantly develop their services, sometimes taking risks, often copying competitors. Which, again, does YouTube Shorts with TikTok.

YouTube Shorts are still copying TikTok

What’s the best way for YouTube Shorts to take over TikTok? Apparently, the answer to this question, according to the American giant, is to continue to copy its so popular competitor. YouTube recently announced that they are going to add a voiceover tool to Shorts on iOS. The latter will allow you to add your own comments to existing videos with just a few taps. This feature is quite simple, but it has been offered by TikTok for a long time, and it is reminiscent of Instagram’s repeated attempts to copy TikTok’s core features.

and adds a voiceover tool to iOS

YouTube has already adopted an option from TikTok that allows you to reply to comments with your own video. It’s not unusual for tech companies to copy each other in this way – Facebook and Instagram have almost made it a trend. But it also shows when established companies like YouTube start to defend themselves against younger and often more innovative competitors.

To be fair, YouTube is trying to stand out by sharing ad revenue with Shorts creators. TikTok can be very popular, historically it has rarely made a lot of money for creators.