Yves Saint Laurent Beauté Goes Online3

Yves Saint Laurent Beauté is launching on web3 and has several projects in the works.

Now we need another luxury player in the web3 market. L’Oréal’s iconic Yves Saint Laurent Beauté brand has decided to launch. Among his various initiatives are the launch of an NFT wallet, NFT resets, and a partnership with the P00LS platform.

Yves Saint Laurent Beauty Goes Online3

YSL has often been a pioneer in many ways. Today, YSL Beauté is breaking new ground for its communities through web3. For a brand, this is an opportunity to offer a unique place. At www.web3.yslbeauty.com, followers of the official Instagram and Twitter accounts will be able to claim their first YSL Beauté NFT. These 10,000 YSL beauty golden blocks (ERC721 minted on Polygon with Arianee protocol) will unlock exclusive features including early access to operation on the PooLS platform, whitelisting for NFT drops, etc. NFT can be restored in the YSL Beauty app Wallet developed by Arianee.

According to YSL Beauté CEO Stéphane Bezi, “web3 promises an enhanced experience where artistic rethinking and emotion meet in new ways. We believe that this journey into the unknown can play with the codes of beauty, push the boundaries of creativity and technology, and help shape a bolder present. On the edge of reality.”

And already preparing several projects

On June 21, the community was able to discover the fruits of a partnership with the PooLS platform and two artists from the music scene, Agatha Mougin and Kittens. Fans will be able to discover their projects and collect their “social tokens”. The activation will result in a donation to two partner NGOs of the Aimer Sans Abuser program: “It’s on Us”in the US and “En Avant Tous”in France.

According to Virgil Brodziak, Managing Director of Wunderman Thompson, the agency in charge of brand marketing, “The web3 and metaverse are still unexplored spaces, and we firmly believe that it will take time for brands like YSL Beauté to understand and connect deeply. With this new culture, the possibilities are endless. We are proud to be able to contribute to this unprecedented project.” And Arianee CEO Pierre-Nicolas Hörstel is very proud to welcome such a prestigious company to his platform: “We are delighted that YSL Beauté can enter Web3 with our holistic approach. By creating NFTs, distributing them to the brand community, or using them with protected content, the brand is taking full advantage of our platform.”