By exploration in Tears of the Kingdom, players can go to many parts of Hyrule, where it may be icy cold or scorching hot. There are many things you can do to prevent this, major among them being meals and elixirs, but these weather can also negatively impact Link’s health in the game. When prepared appropriately, meals and elixir can have special qualities that the players can use to their benefit during the campaign. You can test a variety of recipes in the game and receive a bonus as a result. The finest Heat & Cold Resistance Recipes in Zelda TOTK are listed in this guide.
Recipes for Zelda TOTK’s best heat and cold resistance
To have proper meals and elixirs and to get the desired resistance it is essential to cook the items with proper recipes. Here is a list of recipes you can try to have heat & cold resistance in Tears Of The Kingdom
Recipes for Heat Resistance in Zelda TOTK

Players may experience blistering heat in places like the Gerudo desert. In order to survive the heat and have some resistance to help them, players will need to employ recipes.
- Meal Recipes
- Chilly Mushroom Skewers= 5 Chillshrooms
- Chilly Steamed Mushroom= 4 Chillshrooms + 1 Hyrule Herb
- Chilly Simmered Fruit= 5 Hyrdomelon
- Chilly Mushroom Risotto= 1 Chillshroom + 1 Hylian Rice + 1 Goat Butter + 1 Rock Salt
- Chilly Fish Skewers= 5 Chillfin Trout
- Elixir
- Chilly Elixir= Winterwing Butterfly/Cold Darner + Monster Part
It is important to note that Saffron can be added cold to meals for heat resistance. The Gerudo Desert is home to an abundance of Hydromelon.
Zelda TOTK Cold Resistance Recipes

You’ll need to have recipes for staying warm in snowy areas like the Hebra Mountains. Sunshrooms and hot peppers, which are found in snowy areas, can be used.
- Meal Recipes
- Spicy Simmered Fruit= 1 Spicy Pepper + 1 Apple
- Spicy Sauteed Peppers= 5 Spicy Peppers
- Spicy Mushroom Skewers= 5 Sunshrooms
- Spicy Steamed Mushrooms= 4 Sunshrooms + 1 Hyrule Herb
- Spicy Fish Skewers= 5 Sizzlefin Trout
- Elixir
- Spicy Elixir= Warm Darner/Summerwing Butterfly + Monster Part
All of the aforementioned meal dishes will give you a resistance of more than 10 minutes, and the elixirs’ resistance will vary depending on the types of monster parts they contain.