Google introduces artificial intelligence robots with a rare feature

Google Research presents bots with three abilities that are rarely seen together. This makes it possible to achieve a very high level of artificial intelligence in order to consider the possibility of development in the real world.

Scientists from Google Research on Everyday Robots have demonstrated AI-driven robots with capabilities that are very rarely used together in one machine, namely chatbot functions – robots that you communicate with on certain websites – autonomous movement and agility hands

Google Research Unveils Bots With Three Abilities That Rarely Seen Together

These three functions exist, they are already very successful, but are currently most often used separately. For example, industrial robots can often move completely autonomously to transport parts or move things around to assemble items. Usually they don’t do both.

And factory robots usually don’t understand (or don’t listen to) what you have to say. And they still answer less in human language.

Google is trying to bring together several technologies here that are absolutely necessary to help robots be more useful in the “human world”, assuming, of course, that an automated factory or bar is a “robot world”.

This allows you to achieve a very high level of artificial intelligence.

More often than not, robots work in a “structured environment”where everything is in place and where the slightest unexpected element renders the robot completely useless. Conversely, our human environment is much more chaotic and full of little things that can be unexpected.

Google is using artificial intelligence (AI) to teach robots how to operate and navigate such unstructured worlds to work with humans. This is a monumental effort that looks very promising, but will still require many, many years of research and development.

Like your Google Assistant, the robot can understand basic commands or phrases related to its abilities, such as “clean up spills”or “give me potatoes.”

think about evolution in the real world

From there, the robot initiates a series of actions that may require multiple steps to complete the task. This is a very high level of AI in which several neural networks work together to understand, plan the actions to be performed, analyze the environment, and act.

Right now it’s just research and development. Google will need to learn more about the capabilities of its robots and the real world before coming up with any commercial applications, but it all looks extremely promising.