Microsoft wants to sell ad spaces in free Xbox games

Microsoft would like to integrate ads into free Xbox games.

Advertising is now everywhere, or almost everywhere. Especially in “free”products. We find them in all areas, more or less noticeable, more or less annoying. Video games, especially on mobile devices, are no exception. Today, Microsoft plans to add more, so to speak, in a different category.

Microsoft wants to integrate ads

There are already reasons to complain about ads in video games, but there may be more soon. According to insider sources, Microsoft is currently developing a program that will help advertisers place ads in free-to-play Xbox games. Businesses could then purchase advertising inventory to afford the virtual display space. The article didn’t specify how far this would go, but the Redmond-based firm would like to create a “private marketplace”to limit brand advertising that won’t interfere with gameplay.

Microsoft is reportedly looking for ad tech companies to develop the catalog and collaborate on hosting it. However, the use of this program may occur as early as the third quarter of this year, that is, this summer.

in free Xbox games

The American firm did not confirm or deny this information. In a statement sent to Insider, the spokesperson simply said that Microsoft is constantly doing its best to “improve the experience”for developers and players, but has “nothing more to share.”

Such a program would be enough to annoy players who are already worried about finding advertisements for real goods in their favorite fictional universes. That being said, the fact that the Redmond-based firm only focuses on free-to-play games is significant. This can help developers make money without relying too heavily on paid content like skins or season passes. Over time, this may also convince creators to develop games for the Xbox rather than the PlayStation or Switch.