End of support for Google Pixel 3

Google is ending software support for its Pixel 3. The device will no longer receive OS and security updates.

One of the main advantages of the Apple iPhone over Android smartphones is the support for the manufacturer’s software. Indeed, although the Cupertino company does not indicate the duration of support for a particular model, the Apple brand has accustomed us to actively monitoring software in the region of 5-6 years. That’s a lot more than what Android manufacturers are offering today that are “only”2 or 3 years old. And if Google has already announced the extension of this duration for its latest phones, this does not apply to its older models.

Google is ending software support for its Pixel 3

Indeed, this month will see the end of official software support for the Pixel 3. Therefore, the device will no longer receive software updates. This does not mean that you will no longer be able to use your smartphone, but simply that if you want to use it, you will have to remember that you will no longer be entitled to any new features or improvements.

The device will no longer receive OS or security updates.

Whether 3 years is a good duration of treatment is currently a matter of debate. Some people change smartphones every two to three years, so this is not a problem for them, but for those who keep their device longer, it can be problematic. That being said, it would seem that, at least in the case of Google, this is not a problem. At least that’s according to the press release sent to 9to5Google.

According to the release in question: “We believe that three years of security and OS updates continue to provide users with a good experience for their devices.”The good news for Google Pixel ecosystem customers is that starting with the Pixel 6, Mountain View should offer at least 5 years of software support. In other words, those who hold their phone for this long will be able to think about their purchase more calmly.