The Greatest Works of Art, a collection of master paintings to be sold soon in France at NFT

“The Third Place”will sell NFT paintings by the masters as part of the “Greatest Works of Art”collection.

Today, we see NFTs taking on a wide variety of forms. Art is very present there, be it music, pixel art or real works of art. The Greatest Works of Art collection is part of a larger project initiated by The Third Place to create the largest digital art collection. To do this, the platform offers world-famous tables and, thanks to the technologies behind NFT, makes them accessible to everyone. The authenticity of each work will even be confirmed by several major museums.

The Third Place for selling NFT paintings by masters

Through NFT, the rights to use the received art objects will be confirmed by several thousand unique fragments, and platform participants will be able to purchase famous masterpieces from all over the world for tokens.

Everyone, absolutely everyone, will be able to own the rights to tens of millions of dollars, and art lovers will be able to enjoy the works of talented artists such as Van Gogh, Gauguin and many others that adorn the walls of the art spaces.

part of the Greatest Works of Art collection.

On Wednesday, December 22, at 14:00 French time, the first masterpiece put up for auction will be the painting by the famous French artist Pierre Auguste Renoir “Double Portrait of Jeanne Bodo”, created 125 years ago.

As a result of the tokenization of this famous painting, the “Double Portrait of Jeanne Bodot”will be divided into 1125 NFTs, which will give their owners the right to use the paint, exclusive rights to digital copies of purchased NFTs, as well as non-exclusive rights to a complete digital copy of the artist’s painting.

We have already seen NFTs take on very modern forms, such as artist Robert Alice’s iNFT. This Third Place initiative brings modern technology even closer to traditional art forms and will no doubt increase interest in art in general.